Vahan Babakhanyan. On the continuation of the Petersburg initiative in January 2022

in Russian – The Armenian world celebrates the second Christmas after the treacherous attack of the terrorist coalition of Azerbaijan, Turkey, Pakistan and jihadists on the Republic of Artsakh in the fall of 2020. Over the past 2020, Azerbaijan has continued the policy and crimes of cultural genocide (culturicide) against Armenian churches and monuments. For more than a year, the Azerbaijani authorities brazenly do not allow UNESCO experts into their territory, but at the same time, UNESCO cynically elected Azerbaijan on December 3, 2021 as a member of the Committee for the Protection of cultural property during the armed […]

Conference “UN responsibility for the protection of the cultural heritage of ancient peoples from cultural genocide”

in Russian – On November 2-3, 2021, an international online conference “The UN responsibility for the protection of the cultural heritage of ancient peoples from cultural genocide” was held in St. Petersburg, Russia. It was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the entry into force in 1951 of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide dated 9.12.1948. Organizers: “Crossroad” public organization of sociological and political science initiatives Ministry of education, science, culture and sports of the Republic of Artsakh Public Institute of political and social research of the Black Sea-Caspian region […]

D. Evstafiev about the only choice for Armenia

It is no secret that there is a big gap between the perception of the same events in the public opinion in Armenia, Russia and the Armenian Diaspora. Below is the opinion of one of the leading political scientists in Russia, which may cause an ambiguous reaction. On the other hand, it is possible that such harsh (according to the author, unpleasant) forecasts may be will help and accelerate Armenians to consolidate and develop a wise strategy and agenda in a rapidly changing world. The public organization “Khachmeruk” (Crossroads) regularly holds online discussions on important topics. Below is a publication […]

Case for Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh conflict

in Russian – Case for Azerbaijan and nagorno Karabakh conflict consists with 5 Sections. Each Section contains recommended articles with references to the sources. Sections: 1 Genocidal image of Turkey, Azerbaijan and jihadists 2 The essence of the Karabakh problem, the image of the conflict, an integrated approach 3 Position in relation to the terrorist war of Azerbaijan and Turkey against the Republic of Artsakh. Geopolitical interests of Russia, the West, the Islamic world and civilizational values 4 Place of the Armenian Highlands and Karabakh on the political map of the world. Support for the independent Republic of Artsakh […]

A. Manasyan. Where is the territorial nerve of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh

in Russian – Source (in Russian) – Information agency REGNUM, October 13, 2020. Alexandr Manasyan The topic of the Karabakh war is in the first line of the global political discourse now. The invisible dot on the political map named Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) suddenly turned out to be particular bifurcation point, where the main political meridians of the world are intersecting now. The war against Artsakh unleashed by Baku made this obvious. The war is in full swing not only on the battlefield, but also on information portals, where two versions of the conflict essence collide.

Letter from NGO “Crossroad” to European Parliament members

in Russian – Anticipating the possible continuation of the irrepressible aggressive rhetoric of the Azerbaijani authorities into the form of new war crimes even before the July military aggression of Baku in the  Tavush region, the “Crossroad” (Khachmeruk) public organization of sociological and political initiatives wrote a letter on June 16, 2020 to the President of the European Parliament, Mr. David Sassoli. The answer came on September 29 – 3,5 months later (!) – after the third wild and terrorist war unleashed by Azerbaijan against the Armenian people of Artsakh.