The Lemkin Institute condemned Pashinyan’s undignified and unacceptable voicing of narratives created by dark forces to deny the Armenian Genocide in Turkey

in Russian – Source Representatives of the Armenian authorities allowed themselves to cross another red line, this time with the topic of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey and the Memory of the victims. Below is an exposé from the Lemkin Institute.Below is an exposé from the Lemkin Institute.

STATEMENT to the UN: On compensation of material losses suffered by the Armenian people during the First World War

in Russian – in Armenian – in French – Below we offer a document that was adopted by the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) and was sent earlier to the UN.

Press release in Arabic – بيان صحفي.  بيان إلى الأمم المتحدة “بشأن التعويض عن الخسائر المادية التي تكبدها الشعب الأرمني خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى”

in English – in Russian – in Armenian – in French – in German –   بيان صحفي بدأت جمهورية أرمينيا الغربية (دولة أرمينيا) عملية التعويض عن الخسائر المادية التي تكبدها الشعب الأرمني ، والتي ناشدت في إطارها السلطات الدولية ذات الصلة ، بما في ذلك الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة أنطونيو غوتيريس ، وكذلك رؤساء الدول – الأعضاء الدائمون في مجلس الأمن التابع للأمم المتحدة

PRESSEMITTEILUNG. Erklärung an die UN: «Über die Entschädigung der materiellen Verluste des armenischen Volkes während des Ersten Weltkriegs»

in English – in Russian – in Armenian – in French – in Arabic –   PRESSEMITTEILUNG Die Republik Westarmenien (Staat Armenien) hat den Prozess zur Entschädigung der materiellen Verluste, die vom armenischen Volk erlitten wurden, eingeleitet. Im Rahmen dieses Prozesses hat sie sich bereits an entsprechende internationale Gremien gewandt, darunter an den Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen, António Guterres, sowie an die Staatschefs – die ständigen Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrates: An den Präsidenten der USA, Joe Biden; An den Präsidenten Russlands, Wladimir Putin; An den Vorsitzenden Chinas, Xi Jinping; An den Präsidenten Frankreichs, Emmanuel Macron; An den Premierminister […]

REVUE de PRESSE. Déclaration à l’ONU. «De l’indemnisation des pertes matérielles subies par le peuple arménien pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale

in English – in Russian – in German – in Armenian – in Arabic –   REVUE de PRESSE   La République Arménie Occidentale (République Arménie) a entamé des travaux sur la question du dédommagement des pertes matérielles subies par le peuple arménien – celle-ci a été déjà présentée aux instances internationales concernées ainsi qu’au Secrétaire général de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, Antony Gutteriez, et aux dirigeants des Etats membres permanents du Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU:

PRESS RELEASE. Statement to the UN: «On compensation of material losses suffered by the Armenian people during the First World War»

in Russian – in Armenian – in French – in German – in Arabic –   PRESS RELEASE The Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) has begun the process of compensation for material losses suffered by the Armenian people, within the framework of which it has already appealed to the relevant international authorities, including the Secretary–General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, as well as to the Heads of States – Permanent Members of the UN Security Council:

Declaration de l’Etat Arménie (République Arménie Occidentale) devant les menaces et défis actuels et perspectives pour un futur dialogue entre les civilisations, les cultures et les religions

in English – in Russian – in Armenian – Source Aujourd’hui nous constatons, sur l’ensemble de la Planète Terre, l’entière déconstruction des accords de Yalta qui établissaient de nouveaux rapports à la suite de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale dûe à l’action des adeptes du paradigme parasitaire. Puisque la paix de Yalta n’est plus, les fondements sur lesquels s’appuie le monde d’aujourd’hui et de demain sont les documents fondateurs de la Conférence de Paix de Paris, les Décisions de la Ligue des Nations, issus de la Première Guerre Mondiale.

Appeal by The State of Armenia (Republic of Western Armenia) on Modern Threats, Challenges, and Vision of the Future, Dialogue of Civilizations, Cultures, and Religions

in Russian – in Armenian – in French – Source Today, as a result of the activities of adherents to the parasitic paradigm on Planet Earth, the structure of the Yalta world order established following the Second World War has been completely dismantled. With the absence of the Yalta Peace in the contemporary world, the fundamental documents of the Paris Peace Conference and the Decisions of the League of Nations following the First World War serve as the cornerstone for today’s and tomorrow’s world order.

Resolution of the world majority following the conference on February 17, 2024

in Russian – On February 17, 2024, the Academy of Geopolitical Problems (AGP) held an international scientific and practical conference: “Hybrid security of the “world majority””, which was attended by representatives of 13 countries: Austria, India, Indonesia, Iran, Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Finland, Czech Republic, South Africa. Following the results of the conference, its participants adopted a resolution published on February 26 on the AGP website in three languages. The public organization “Crossroad” provides the resolution on its website below in English, and in Russian –


in Russian – On February 14, 2024, the opening of the exhibition “Erebuni Corner in the Hermitage” took place in the State Hermitage museum in the Urartu Culture and Art Hall (No. 56), which will last a year. The exhibition was organized by the State Hermitage together with the Erebuni historical and archaeological Museum and is the first exhibition under the cooperation agreement between the two museums. The grand opening on February 14 was dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding archaeologist, orientalist and ex-director of the museum Boris Piotrovsky. We offer an operational report […]


in Russian – in English – Le 16 janvier 2024, un groupe de personnalités publiques et d’experts a lancé un nouvel appel critique ouvert aux dirigeants de l’ONU. Il contient notamment une demande et un appel aux dirigeants de l’ONU pour qu’ils convoquent une session extraordinaire d’urgence de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU pour prendre une décision sur le rétablissement des droits violés et garantir le retour en toute sécurité de la population arménienne indigène d’Artsakh/Haut-Karabagh sur le territoire de leur résidence permanente. Notons que les autorités azerbaïdjanaises encore une nouvelle fois n’ont pas respecté la décision de la […]

An open Letter to the UN on restoring the violated rights of the Armenian people of Artsakh

in Russian – in French – On January 16, 2024, a group of public figures and experts made another open critical appeal to the UN leadership. It contains, in particular, a request and appeal to the UN leaders to convene an Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly to make a decision on restoring violated rights and ensuring guarantees for the safe return of the indigenous Armenian population of Artsakh to the territory of their permanent residence. The Azerbaijani authorities have once again failed to comply with the Decision of the International Court of Justice of November […]

Actions on January 27-28 in support of Artsakh

in Russian – Thousands of concerned Armenians from hundreds of public organizations are united in Europe in the general global pan-European movement “For Artsakh”, in support of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). The “Artsakh” group in St. Petersburg and the public organization “Khachmeruk” (Crossroad) call for support for this movement within the framework of Russian legislation and recall their initiative for the interregional public council “For Artsakh”.

Déclaration sur les distorsions de la Déclaration d’Alma-Ata et les conséquences des arbitraire

in English – in Russian – in German – in Armenian – Un groupe de scientifiques et de personnalités publiques de différents pays a publié “Déclaration sur les distorsions de la Déclaration d’Alma-Ata et les conséquences des arbitraire”, qui est devenu l’un des principaux documents juridiques de la création du Commonwealth États indépendants après la liquidation de l’URSS. Les auteurs de la Déclaration notent que cela est fait à des fins de manipulation politique, cela induit en erreur les Européens et communauté politique internationale. La déclaration note que agression militaire à grande échelle le 19 septembre 2023, accompagnée de […]

Appeal from the commander of the “SOSE MAYRIK” militia combat squad about providing medical assistance to a young militiaman

Հայերեն — in Russian – Appeal from the commander of the “SOSE MAYRIK” militia combat squad about providing medical assistance to a young militiaman Source Translation in English by “”.

Alexandr Manasyan. The main argument of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in the zone of silence: Under international law, Artsakh does not belong to the Republic of Azerbaijan

in Russian – An article by PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia A. Manasyan, timed to the Briefing of the UN Security Council on August 16, 2023 on the blockade of Artsakh (NKR) by Azerbaijan from December 12, 2022. Video recordings and texts of speeches at the meeting on August 16 – here. GENERAL PURPOSE OF ARARAT MIRZOYAN’S SPEECH AT THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL BRIEFING DATED 16 AUGUST 2023 The speech was structured according to the logic of reducing all problems related to the Artsakh issue to humanitarian law. The […]

False and cinic remarks by the representative of criminal authorities of Azerbaijan at the UN Security Council: miserable attempt to shade Baku’s genocidal policy and crimes

Statement by H.E. Mr. Yashar Aliyev Permanent Representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United Nations at the Security Council meeting 9397th 16 August 2023. Source: Critics of this cinic speech: by MFA of Rep. of Armenia – by MFA of  Rep. of Artsakh –

Representative of EU to UN: Movement through the Lachin corridor must be reopened by Azerbaijan immediately

in Russian – Statement on behalf of the European Union delivered by H.E. Mr. Silvio Gonzato, Chargé d’Affaires a.i., Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council briefing related to “Armenia PR letter of 13 September 2022”. Source – official website of the European Union.

Representative of Switzerland at UN Security Council: We call Azerbaijan for compliance with the ICJ Court’s decisions

in Russian – Statement delivered by Switzerland at the United Nations Security Council Briefing on Armenia / Azerbaijan (Lachin corridor) on August 16,2023. Source (in  English and French): Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA

UK Representative at the UN Security Council: It is crucial that the ICJ order of February 2023 is respected by Azerbaijan to ensure unimpeded movement along the Lachin corridor in both directions

in Russian – Statement by Ambassador James Kariuki at the UN Security Council meeting on Armenia and Azerbaijan. Source of the text entitled “The UK is deeply concerned about the ongoing disruption to aid delivery through the Lachin corridor” on the web site of the Government of UK – here. Video (1 min 45 sec) from 54:15 –

UN repr at Security Council: Azerbaijan must allow and facilitate the rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for all civilians in need

in Russian – On August 16, 2023 UN Security Council held a meeting on the humanitarian situation around the Lachin Corridor between Armenia and Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh). Below is a video and a brief of a speech by UN senior humanitarian affairs official (the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, OCHA) Edem Wosornu at the beginning of the meeting.

A call for the removal of the criminal blockade of the people of Artsakh by Azerbaijan. Message from two US major basketball coaches

in Russian – Soon will be one month of the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe of Artsakh (Nagorno  Karabakh) due to another genocidal crime by Azerbaijan in the form of a blockade. The demand to end the criminal blockade must be universal. Below is an example of a short (1 minute) public address by two Americans against the blockade.

A letter by Mayor of Los Angeles Karen Bass and President of City Council of Los Angeles Paul Krekorian to Joe Biden blasting the illegal blockade of Artsakh by the Aliyev regime and demanding US action to end the blockade

in Russian – On Jan 3, 2023 Mayor of Los Angeles Karen Bass and President of City Council of Los Angeles Paul Krekorian sent a letter to Joe Biden blasting the illegal blockade of Artsakh by the Aliyev regime and demanding US action to end the blockade. Source

Summit of the Organization of Turkic States

The first summit of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), which includes Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan, was held in Samarkand on November 11-12,2022. Hungary and Turkmenistan participate as observers. Experts note that the influence of the member countries of the association is growing, as is the influence of Turkey and the ideas of the pan-Turkic world. Let’s take a moment to consider the name of this organization. In the Russian version, the term “Turkic” (тюркских) is used in the name of the association of these states, which distinguishes it from “Turkish”(турецких). In other words, when we talk about […]

Fragment of speech by deputy of the National Assembly of Armenia Armen Khachatryan in St. Petersburg

in Armenian – in Russian – On October 18-21, 2022, the Conference of Chairmen of the Defense and Security Committees of the Parliaments of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) States was held in St. Petersburg, Russia. Below is a fragment from the speech of the deputy of the National Assembly of Armenia Armen Khachatryan, translated by “Crossroad” (Khachmeruk) in English. Full text in Armenian – here.

Second day of the International scientific conference “History textbook for the future. A new look” – September 30, 2022

in Russian – On September 29-30, 2022 in St. Petersburg (Russia) at the St. Petersburg Institute of history of the Russian Academy of sciences took place the International scientific conference “A History Textbook for the Future. A New Look”. More about the conference – here. Below is a report from the second day of the conference on September 30th. About the first day – here.

First day of the International scientific conference “History textbook for the future. A new look” – September 29, 2022

in Russian – On September 29-30, 2022 in St. Petersburg (Russia) at the St. Petersburg Institute of history of the Russian Academy of sciences took place the International scientific conference “A History Textbook for the Future. A New Look”. More about the conference – here. Below is a report from the first day of the conference on September 29th. About the second day – here.

Arayik Stepanyan. Russophobia is not in Armenia, but in Moscow. The goal of Russophobes in Moscow is to stir up Russophobia throughout the former Soviet Union

in Russian – Arayik Stepanyan spoke on Russian policy in Transcaucasia in TV show “Point of  view” on September 27, 2022. Host of the show – Dmitry Agranovsky. Below is a video with translation in Russian as well as a text by “Crossroad”.

Section 907 of the United States Freedom Support Act (1992)

in Russian – The FREEDOM Support Act of 1992 (Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets Support Act, FSA, HR 282) is an act passed by the United States Congress. Section 907 of the United States Freedom Support Act bans any kind of direct United States aid to the Azerbaijani government. This ban made Azerbaijan the only post-Soviet state not to receive direct aid from the United States government to facilitate economic and political stability.[1] Source:  Wikipedia

Legal issues of the Karabakh conflict. About the status of Artsakh, on the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and its claims to Nagorno-Karabakh and the territory of the sovereign Republic of Armenia.

The Karabakh war of 2020 ended with a truce in November of the same year and the introduction of Russian peacekeepers into the region. But one of the key problems, the issue of the status of Nagorno-Karabakh, remained outside the framework of the document, according to which a truce was reached. Added to this was the seizure of a number of territories of the sovereign Republic of Armenia by Azerbaijan in May 2021, accompanied by ongoing local hostilities with the killed and wounded. The issues indicated as the subject of consideration have historical, political, legal, economic and humanitarian aspects. One cannot but agree […]

Position of the Coordinating Council of Russian-Armenian Organizations regarding meeting on June 4, 2022 in Yerevan about Pan-Armenian Forum

in Russian – On June 4, 2022, within the framework of the “Unity Platform” initiative, a meeting-consultation of representatives of dozens of organizations and experts was held in Yerevan –

Alexandr Sherin: Turkey has never been, is not and will not be a friendly state to us, as well as those who are in military alliance with Turkey

in Russian – On April 14, 2022, former Russian State Duma deputy (from 2014 to 2021) Alexander Sherin spoke about the attitude towards Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Arayik Stepanyan: In Ukraine they use against Russia the experience of the terrorist international, previously tested in a number of countries

in Russian – April 11, 2022 in the TV program of Dmitry Kulikov “Who is against?” First Vice-President of Russian Academy of geopolitical problems Arayik Stepanyan, from 35:30 on the air, spoke about the tracing of the experience of the terrorist international applied earlier in different countries, now being implemented in Ukraine against Russia. Translation in English by “Crossroad”.

A Special Statement of the CC RAO: 30th anniversary of the massacre of the Armenian population of the Karabakh village of Maragha

in Russian – In connection with the 30th anniversary of the massacre of the population of the Karabakh village of Maragha, Martakert region of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), carried out by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 10, 1992, the Coordinating Council of Russian-Armenian Organizations (CC RAO) issued a special statement on April 9, 2022. We bring to your attention the full text of the Statement. Translation in English by

Arayik Stepanyan: Dirty Western technologies are used in Ukraine, previously tested by the West in the Middle East and Artsakh (Karabakh)

in Russian – On April 6, 2022, the First Vice-President of the Russian Academy of geopolitical problems Arayik Stepanyan, from 22:40 on the air in the TV program “Time will tell”, gave his assessments on the topic of the provocation of Ukraine in city Bucha as well as on related issues.