Harut Sassounian: Azerbaijan’s Massive Attack Puts the World’s Spotlight on Armenia
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/sassounian-26-9-2022/ An article by Harut Sassounian in “The California Courier” on September 26, 2022.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/sassounian-26-9-2022/ An article by Harut Sassounian in “The California Courier” on September 26, 2022.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/appeal-21-9-2022/ Appeal of members of the Armenian community of St. Petersburg to the participants of the rally in Stepanakert, September 21, 2022.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/section-907/ The FREEDOM Support Act of 1992 (Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets Support Act, FSA, HR 282) is an act passed by the United States Congress. Section 907 of the United States Freedom Support Act bans any kind of direct United States aid to the Azerbaijani government. This ban made Azerbaijan the only post-Soviet state not to receive direct aid from the United States government to facilitate economic and political stability.[1] Source: Wikipedia
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/echr-19-8-2022/ in Armenian – http://crossroadorg.info/hy/echr-19-8-2022-hy/ Source
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/spyurq-4-6-2022/ On June 4, 2022, within the framework of the “Unity Platform” initiative, a meeting-consultation of representatives of dozens of organizations and experts was held in Yerevan – https://www.armspb.org/post/spyurq-4-6-2022
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/sherin-14-4-2022/ On April 14, 2022, former Russian State Duma deputy (from 2014 to 2021) Alexander Sherin spoke about the attitude towards Azerbaijan and Turkey.
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/stepanyan-11-4-2022/ April 11, 2022 in the TV program of Dmitry Kulikov “Who is against?” First Vice-President of Russian Academy of geopolitical problems Arayik Stepanyan, from 35:30 on the air, spoke about the tracing of the experience of the terrorist international applied earlier in different countries, now being implemented in Ukraine against Russia. Translation in English by “Crossroad”.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/cc-9-4-2022/ In connection with the 30th anniversary of the massacre of the population of the Karabakh village of Maragha, Martakert region of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), carried out by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 10, 1992, the Coordinating Council of Russian-Armenian Organizations (CC RAO) issued a special statement on April 9, 2022. We bring to your attention the full text of the Statement. Translation in English by AGA-Tribunal.info.
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/stepanyan-6-4-2022/ On April 6, 2022, the First Vice-President of the Russian Academy of geopolitical problems Arayik Stepanyan, from 22:40 on the air in the TV program “Time will tell”, gave his assessments on the topic of the provocation of Ukraine in city Bucha as well as on related issues.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/iagseb-28-2-2022/ The International Association of Genocide Scholars Executive Board made a Statement on February 28, 2022 on situation in Ukraine.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/jensen-28-1-2022/ On January 28, 2022 PACE reviewed progress of Council of Europe States under monitoring in 2021. The Resolution was adopted, based on a report by Michael Aastrup Jensen (Denmark, ALDE), that was published on PACE web site on Jan 10. Fragment on Artsakh from the Explanatory memorandum by Mr Michael Aastrup Jensen Source: PACE, Doc. 15433, January 10, 2022 https://pace.coe.int/en/files/29610/html#_TOC_d278e808
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/bangladesh-9-1-2022/ An article dated January 9, 2022 on the web site of the Armenian church of Bangladesh. Armenian Church Bangladesh: Michael Martin Scholarship Success in Armenia
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/digest-dec-2021/ Azerbaijan continues to commit systematic crimes against the Armenian religious and cultural heritage in the controlled territories of Artsakh (Karabakh). On the other hand, in relation to Azerbaijan, many countries, international organizations (including UNESCO) continue the policy of conniving, expressing just “concern”, and on the part of the media – continue the policy of silence. This is not just about the Armenian heritage, but, given the crimes and threats against the Christian heritage of Georgia, Serbia, Cyprus, the Middle East, we are talking about a global problem and danger.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/chrono-12-2021/ “Crossroad” (“Khachmeruk”) NGO prepares a selection (report) of links to materials mentioning the theme of Christianity (as well as objects of historical, cultural, memorial heritage) and Artsakh, Azerbaijan and Turkey for December 2021. This page is been updated. Last update was on Dec 25 at 19:00 (47 web links).
in Russian — https://crossroadorg.info/resolution-16-12-2021/ On December 16, 2021, a scientific and public session “Society for peace in Nagorno Karabakh: a year later” was held in St. Petersburg, Russia. Below is the Resolution following this event. Translation by “Crossroad” (Khatchmeruk) NGO. List of speakers – http://crossroadorg.info/en/16-12-2021-en/ Information on the web sites (in Russian): local metropolitanate of Russian Orthodox church – http://mitropolia.spb.ru/news/otdeli/?id=200139 World Russian People’s Council – https://spbvrns.ru/kruglyj-stol-obshhestvo-za-mir-v-nagornom-karabahe-god-spustya/ Armenian community of St. Petersburg (more photos) – https://www.armspb.org/post/vrns-16-12-2021
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/wmf-15-11-2021/ Source: https://www.wmf.org/blog/wmf-statement-safeguarding-cultural-heritage-nagorno-karabakh
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/16-12-2021/ On December 16, 2021, a public-scientific session “Society for Peace in Nagorno Karabakh: a year later” was held in St. Petersburg, Russia. Information on the web sites (in Russian): local metropolitanate of Russian Orthodox church – http://mitropolia.spb.ru/news/otdeli/?id=200139 World Russian People’s Council – https://spbvrns.ru/kruglyj-stol-obshhestvo-za-mir-v-nagornom-karabahe-god-spustya/ Armenian community of St. Petersburg (more photos) – https://www.armspb.org/post/vrns-16-12-2021 Text of the Resolution – https://crossroadorg.info/en/resolution-16-12-2021-en/
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/conf-2-11-2021/ On November 2-3, 2021, an international online conference “The UN responsibility for the protection of the cultural heritage of ancient peoples from cultural genocide” was held in St. Petersburg, Russia. It was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the entry into force in 1951 of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide dated 9.12.1948. Organizers: “Crossroad” public organization of sociological and political science initiatives https://crossroadorg.info/en/ Ministry of education, science, culture and sports of the Republic of Artsakh http://edu.nk.am/ Public Institute of political and social research of the Black Sea-Caspian region […]
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/z-23-3-2021/ On March 23, 2021, the public organization “Khachmeruk” (Crossroads) held a discussion on the topic of cultural genocide (culturicide) of the Armenian heritage of the Republic of Artsakh that is realizing by Azerbaijan. Like the previous one on February 24-25, it was held on the Zoom platform. The announcement was on Facebook and vkontakte.
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/5-3-2021/ On March 5, 2021, the public organization “Khachmeruk” (“Crossroads”) organized an online round table “Russian-Armenian relations in the current global processes.”
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/heritage-24-25-2-2021/ On February 24 and 25, 2021 the public organization “Crossroads” (“Khachmeruk”) organized the online round table “The Karabakh conflict: through culture towards peace”. The announcement was earlier on February 8 on the website AGA-Tribunal.info, in social networks and in the mailing. The invitations were sent to the experts, who specialize in the cultural heritage of Artsakh.
It is no secret that there is a big gap between the perception of the same events in the public opinion in Armenia, Russia and the Armenian Diaspora. Below is the opinion of one of the leading political scientists in Russia, which may cause an ambiguous reaction. On the other hand, it is possible that such harsh (according to the author, unpleasant) forecasts may be will help and accelerate Armenians to consolidate and develop a wise strategy and agenda in a rapidly changing world. The public organization “Khachmeruk” (Crossroads) regularly holds online discussions on important topics. Below is a publication […]
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/artsakh-1/ Case for Azerbaijan and nagorno Karabakh conflict consists with 5 Sections. Each Section contains recommended articles with references to the sources. Sections: 1 Genocidal image of Turkey, Azerbaijan and jihadists 2 The essence of the Karabakh problem, the image of the conflict, an integrated approach 3 Position in relation to the terrorist war of Azerbaijan and Turkey against the Republic of Artsakh. Geopolitical interests of Russia, the West, the Islamic world and civilizational values 4 Place of the Armenian Highlands and Karabakh on the political map of the world. Support for the independent Republic of Artsakh […]
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/manasyan-13-10-2020/ Source (in Russian) – Information agency REGNUM, October 13, 2020. Alexandr Manasyan The topic of the Karabakh war is in the first line of the global political discourse now. The invisible dot on the political map named Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) suddenly turned out to be particular bifurcation point, where the main political meridians of the world are intersecting now. The war against Artsakh unleashed by Baku made this obvious. The war is in full swing not only on the battlefield, but also on information portals, where two versions of the conflict essence collide.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/ep-9-10-2020/ Anticipating the possible continuation of the irrepressible aggressive rhetoric of the Azerbaijani authorities into the form of new war crimes even before the July military aggression of Baku in the Tavush region, the “Crossroad” (Khachmeruk) public organization of sociological and political initiatives wrote a letter on June 16, 2020 to the President of the European Parliament, Mr. David Sassoli. The answer came on September 29 – 3,5 months later (!) – after the third wild and terrorist war unleashed by Azerbaijan against the Armenian people of Artsakh.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/club/ About “Crossroad” Club In Armenian the name is “Khatchmeruk” that means “Crossroad” in English. The “Crossroad” (“Khachmeruk”) International Discussion Club is a community of independent experts: scientists, political scientists, philosophers, cultural scientists, lawyers, public figures, publicists.
in Russian — http://crossroadorg.info/zoom_3-7-2020/ On Friday, July 3, 2020, the (11th) online video conference in Zoom will be held as part of the “Crossroad” project. Links to previous discussions on various topics with videos are here. The preliminary plan for July is here.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/zoom_july/ This is a preliminary plan for the discussions in Zoom for July, the page will be updated periodically. Along with announcements of discussions at Zoom organized by “Crossroad” there are also events planned by third parties. Previous events (with reports and videos) – here.
in Russian — http://crossroadorg.info/zoom_30-6-2020/ On Tuesday, June 30, 2020, the online video conference in Zoom will be held as part of the “Crossroad” project. Links to previous discussions on various topics with videos are here. The preliminary plan for July is here.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/un_20-6-2020/ For more than 30 years, the international community, UN, OSCE do not pay due attention to the Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan. After many crimes of genocide since 1918 from Azerbaijan, which caused waves of refugees, many decades passed. In March 2019, the UN applied to the Turkish authorities, demanding a response about Armenian refugees 100 years ago. This is too late and episodic attention. The issue is complex, associated with gross violations of international norms and fundamental rights of many indigenous peoples of the region and requires a radically different attitude. “Khachmeruk” (“Crossroad”) public organization of sociological […]
in Armenian – http://crossroadorg.info/hy/z_13-6-2020_hy/ in Russian — http://crossroadorg.info/z_13-6-2020/ On June 13, 2020, the sixth online video conference in Zoom was held as part of the project of the “Crossroad” public organization. Topic: “Armenian refugees, internally displaced persons, their place and role in the negotiation process.” Speaker: Mariam Avagyan, coordinator of the Congress of refugees from the Azerbaijani SSR (Yerevan).
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/z_14-6-2020/ On June 14, 2020, the seventh online video conference in Zoom was held as part of the project of the “Crossroad” public organization. Topic: “The Armenian community in a glocalizing world: challenges and answers” (to the program for the development of Armenian diaspora in the post-Soviet space) Speaker: Oleg Gabrielyan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the State University named after Vernadsky (Simferopol). Announcement was published on “Crossroad” web site as well in the social networks with the link to theses.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/z_a_12-6-2020/ On June 13, 14 and 15, 2020, regular online video conferences in Zoom will be held as part of the “Crossroad” project on various topics. Links to previous discussions with videos are here.
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/zoom_1/
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/z_9-6-2020/ On June 9, 2020, the fourth online video conference in Zoom was held as part of the “Crossroad” project on the theme “The century-old way of Azerbaijan: from xenophobia and military rhetoric to multiple crimes of genocide”. Speaker: Hovik Avanesov, researcher, Center for Caucasus Studies, Mesrop Mashtots University (Stepanakert, Republic of Artsakh). The announvement was published in 3 languages on “Crossroad” web site as well as in social networks.
in Armenian – http://crossroadorg.info/hy/z_a_9-6-2020_hy/ in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/z_a_9-6-2020/ On June 9, 2020, the fourth online video conference in Zoom will be held as part of the “Crossroad” project on the theme “The century-old way of Azerbaijan: from xenophobia and military rhetoric to multiple crimes of genocide”. Speaker: Hovik Avanesov, researcher, Center for Caucasus Studies, Mesrop Mashtots University (Stepanakert, Republic of Artsakh). The language of discussion is Armenian. Beginning: 18 pm Moscow time (19 pm Yerevan time, 16 pm London time).
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/en/z_6-6-2020 On June 6, 2020, the next online video conference in Zoom will take place as a part of the project of the “Crossroad” (Khachmeruk) public organization. Topic: “The image of the Azerbaijan-Artsakh conflict: why is it distorted?” Speaker: political scientist, Doctor of Philosophy, Prof. Alexander Manasyan (Yerevan). Beginning at 18:00 Moscow time (19:00 Yerevan time).
in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/zoom_31-5-2020/ On May 30, 2020, as a part of the project of public organization “Crossroad” (“Khachmeruk”) took place an online discussion in Zoom on the theme “Artsakh in the information war. How can we help?” Announcement of the meeting was in three languages: on the web site “Crossroad: http://crossroadorg.info/en/zoom_30-5-2020_en/ in social networks Facebook – in the groups ArmPeterburg, in Ararat forum etc. VK.com https://vk.com/wall-51442422_1517 OK.ru https://ok.ru/armpeterburg/topic/151740215737194 and via the electronic mailing and whatsapp. Experts from eight cities participated: Moscow, Yerevan, Beirut, Simferopol, London, Stepanakert, Nizhnekamsk, St. Petersburg. The list is at the end of this article.
in Armenian – http://crossroadorg.info/hy/zoom_30-5-2020_hy/ in Russian – https://crossroadorg.info/zoom_30-5-2020/ On Saturday, May 30, at 19:00 Yerevan time (18:00 in Moscow and Beirut, 16:00 in London), as part of the project of the “Crossroad” (“Khachmeruk”) public organization, the next online discussion will be held in Zoom. The topic is “Artsakh in the information war. How can we help?”
in Russian – http://crossroadorg.info/ararat/ in Armenian – http://crossroadorg.info/hy/ararat_hy/ Today our world is standing on the verge of an unprecedented collapse of the existing civilizational system of consumerism, and its explicit and implicit centers of power have unleashed an outright war against humanity for the sake of the system’s resuscitation and preservation. Multiple warnings sounded by many reputable think-tanks, intellectuals and whistleblowers on the existential threats the human race is facing today have been largely ignored. It is of utmost importance and urgency to address them today, as now it concerns the very existence of the humanity.